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Originally designed in 1947 by Wilfrid G. White of the Kelvin White Co., the Constellation series compasses were available in 5",6",7" and 8" sizes with the Kelvin-White name on them. The Kelvin-White company became the Wilfrid O. White and Sons Co. and the Constellations were made under that name until 1961 when Danforth bought the company and used the name Danforth-White on the compasses, finally dropping the White name in the late 1960's to become Danforth compasses. Danforth added a 4" constellation to the line. In the 1980's Rule industries bought Danforth and continued using the Danforth name. Rule added a 4-1/2" Constellation to the line. Contellations are still manufactured today.
To determine which size Constellation you have, measure the diameter of the clear dome. The 8" measures 8-3/8" in diameter. The 8" Constellation takes about 1.25 gallons of oil to fill it. Click on the schematic to enlarge the diagram.
 | Top Ring Special Order

|  |  | |  |  | Dome The 8" Dome measures 8-3/8" in diameter at the base.

|  |  | Dial /Float Assembly Special Order

|  |  | Dial and Pan Assembly Special Order

|  |  | Filler Plug gasket This filler plug gasket is used on 6 of the Constellation compasses. 4"(Key#29), 5" old style(Key#27), 5" New Style(Key#30), 6"(Key#27), 7"(Key#27), and the 8" Constellation

|  |  | |  |  | |  |  | |  |  | Bottom Can Special Order

|  |  | |  |  | Bowl Special Order

|  |  | Pan Assembly Special Order

|  |  | Wilfrid O. White, Kelvin -White, Danforth 5", 6", 7" and 8" Old Style Channel Light The channel light was used on all of the original Constellation compasses (Kelvin-White, Wilfrid O. White, Danforth-White and Danforth).The same light was used on all of the original Constellation compasses, however each size compass had a specific "ladder". There was a 5",6",7",and 8" ladder for each size of Constellation compass made.

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