A full service instrument shop specializing in sales and service of marine compasses. Suppliers of genuine replacement parts for Danforth, Aquameter, Ritchie, Kelvin White, Dirigo and Star compasses
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Manufactured in 1913 this unusually large ships compass has been in the private collection of none other than the owner of E.S. Ritchie and Sons for well over 40 years. Not long after it came into his posession it was completely restored by the skilled craftsmen at E. S Ritchie. It has been on display ever since.
This compass is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the owner of E.S. Ritchie on the E.S. Ritchie letterhead.
The diameter of the dial measures 9 inches which means that the compass measures almost 14 inches in overall diameter. This is an excellent example of an early ships compass of the highest quality.
This very unique compass is in excellent working condition due to the fact that it has been on display in a controlled environment for the last 41 years.
 | Serial Number Log Each compass manufactured by E.S. Ritchie was serial numbered and the numbers were all logged into the serial number record books. These books are still in existance at E.S. Ritchie. This picture of a page in the log shows the record of this 9" compass #41383 which was sold April 5th 1913 to H.D. Edwards & Co. The records also show that it was repaired for the Upson Walton Co. on Sept. 27 1915.

|  |  | Cerificate of Authenticity
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