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This heavy-duty 5" Shock-Mounted Globemaster Binnacle compass features a special Anti-Vibration Mount to isolate the dial and protect the hardened steel pivot and saphire jewel from excessive wear. Comes standard with built-in compensators and easy to read 90 degree lubbers lines.
Choice of 2 Degree, 2 Degree with Points or 5 Degree Card. Choice of 12, 24, or 32 Volt Night Lighting. 100% Repairable. Exclusive 5-Year Ritchie Warranty. These are custom made compasses, they are not returnable.
Shock-mounted binnacles should be installed in enclosed bridge decks or pilot houses.
 | 5" Dial Choices Choose 5 degree, 2 degree with points or 2 degree graduations.

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