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The 4-1/2" Aquameter Gemini compass was originally manufactured by the Aquameter Compass Co. of New Jersey. Aquameter was sold to Rule Industries, the maker of Danforth compasses in the 1990's.The Gemini compass was updated and included in the Danforth Constellation line of instruments as the 4-1/2" Constellation Compass. The Gemini Compass is still very serviceable and most replacement parts are still available.
The standard overhaul on the Gemini compass is $225.00, which includes a new clear dome, gaskets, diaphram, bowl, oil ,repainting any painted parts and a two year warranty. Replacement parts to the lighting and return shipping are extra.
If your compass is a binnacle mount compass the cost to repaint the binnacle and hood is approximately $98.00, cost to powder coat the hood and cylinder to be determined after they have been examined.
When shipping your compass to us please include your daytime telephone number in the box so we can contact when it arrives.
The typical turnaround time from the date that we receive your approval to proceed with the repairs is usually two weeks.
When you receive your compass back from our shop it will look and perform like a new compass!
 | Bulkhead Mount Gemini Compass Repair
|  |  | |  |  | Rebuilt 4-1/2" Gemini The standard Gemini compass originally manufactured by Aquameter Compass Company, then manufactured by Danforth compasses as one of the Constellation series compasses. It is a 4-1/2" card flush mount compass that also will fit into most existing Gemini binnacle mount cylinders.
These compasses are completely rebuilt with new clear domes, gaskets, diaphragms, pivots, jewels, fluid and compass bowls.
They come with 12 volt red LED lighting and a two year warranty.
Limited quantities

|  |  | GETTING YOUR COMPASS REPAIRED Viking Compass Repair Service specializes in marine compass repair.
We repair compasses manufactured from the early 1800's to present day marine compasses.
We are an authorized warranty repair station for most compass manufacturers, including but not limited to E.S.Ritchie, Danforth, Rule, C. Plath.
We also repair compasses by: Aquameter, Star Compass Co, Marine Compass Co., Dirigo, Wilfrid O. White and Sons, Kelvin White, Wilcox Crittendon, John Bliss, Baker Lyman, Lionel
In January 2010 Viking Instruments purchased the entire inventory of Danforth and Aquameter compass parts as well as the tooling necessary to continue manufacturing replacement compass parts. Viking Instruments is the exclusive manufacture and distributer of Danforth and Aquameter compass parts and service.
If you are interested in getting an estimate to repair your compass. Pack it up carefully and ship it to;
Viking Instruments, Inc.
182 Summer St #158
Kingston MA 02364
Please be sure to include your name, address and phone number with the compass. We will contact you via telephone or email within 2-3 working days from receipt of your compass.
Most current production compasses can be repaired and be ready for return shipment less than two weeks of the date of customer approval.
If you wish to speak to someone in our shop concerning your compass you may call 781-585-2100 Monday- Thursday From 9:30-4:30 E.S.T.

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